Finding the same-sames and changees of breathing abroad...

This blog is about my experiences, challenges, adventures and the what not as an English Teacher fresh out of college into the boiling Korean kettle of a school system, the cultural quirky web of bows and other formalities, and then of course splendid ad hoc travels to get away (or into more) of it all.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The positive irony:

The positive irony of my limbo biz (I can now see it... five hours later!) rests in the reason I missed my flight. At the beginning of my travels this morning I picked up a new, simple but interesting novel by Kurt Vonnegut, fittingly called "A Man Without A Country".  I thought it was fitting before my limbo interruption, but now I find it all too ironic. I got so into the book that I finished it while waiting for the plane to take off. If I hadn't have picked it up, if I hadn't had to read the author's note, if I hadn't dilly dallied while on the connecting flight and finished it before we even landed in Chicago, I just may have made my flight. Obviously, I did do all those things and am now a girl without a home. Well, maybe a hotel room, but certainly detained in a place I had no intention on being detained. Moral of the story: Don't read? No, that's palpably incorrect. Don't dilly-dally? That was honestly the point of the novel I read... great quote: "Peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God."  (This makes me feel much less like an idiot and more like I'm on a big ship that happened to stop for martinis... I may be the only one who got off, but I certainly got my fill of the martinis!)  Lastly, a moral: Don't read the extra tidbits that I won't remember later anyways?  Maybe, that just may be true. But, I'd like to argue that those extra tidbits are the little extras that truly detail a novel or article. They help a person understand where the author was coming from, why he chose to pursue the subject he did, and sometimes- just what hell he was talking about. I like the extras, and that is ironic too, as I now have an extra segment to my journey. Hopefully I'll get a seat tomorrow, if not, I'll just get more martinis and catch the next ship. Thank God for credit cards, kind people (aka my parents) and the extras! Life would just not be the same without them.

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