Finding the same-sames and changees of breathing abroad...

This blog is about my experiences, challenges, adventures and the what not as an English Teacher fresh out of college into the boiling Korean kettle of a school system, the cultural quirky web of bows and other formalities, and then of course splendid ad hoc travels to get away (or into more) of it all.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Korean Halloween?

Today I was given the chance to introduce one of my favorite holidays, that being Halloween naturally! I have always loved the holiday and have always, always, always dressed-up for it! So, my chance to actually introduce it to eager, open ears was all too exciting! (For a weirdo like me, at least.) Oh, and to make it all the better, the class was third grade! They are ridiculously adorable, and hold way too much power over me... Such as I'd give them my kidney if they asked me. Their tiny Korean eyes all glistening with anticipation, their miniature fingers clinging on to their chair backs as they turn to eye me, they kick their legs as they try to listen to Jenna Teacher explain the great American life. I'm such a sucker, and wasted so much time answering their questions. But hey- you'd have to be heartless to refuse!

I began by asking them if they knew what big holiday was in the month of October. I whispered "Halloween" with cupped hands, and a few of the better students perked up and shouted a high pitched, "HALLOWEEN!". "AH!!" the rest went. Many had heard of it, but only a couple knew what the whole shebang was about. So, I mentioned trick or treat, and mimed how kids knock on doors then ask for candy. (They know "candy".... go figure!) To my surprise, they had heard of 'trick-or-treat', which I thought was quite a long phrase for their eight year old brains. Yet, they chirped that too as I hopped around asking for candy.

Then, oh then, I got to discuss Halloween dress-up! Yay! My favorite part! They liked it too as I explained what 'dress-up' meant. "Costume!" "Yes, yes, costume! Very good!" (That girl had gone to English summer camp, where we had had a lesson on international holidays. And she's just so amazing that she remembered!) "Can you name any popular Halloween costumes?" Hm... I begin to make Oooooooo.... sounds and wave my hands in the air like a crazy spook. They begin to catch on and scream the Korean for ghost. I have no clue what they're saying, but my co steps in and graciously translates for me! Lol, yep, not for the kids, for me! I then say "yes! That's right! A ghost!" Then I begin to cackle from deep within my lungs, and take on the look of Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction... eyes bugged, huge evil smile and hunched heaving shoulders. The students all scream the Korean for witch, and again my co translates. We go on and on like this for five minutes. We mastered Frankenstein, in which I channeled the oaf's slow, rigidly grotesque walk, then vampire as I pretended to bite a student, then mummy and zombie and monster. We filled the blackboard with Halloween characters... and filled my thoughts with ideas for the big event... muah hahahahahahaha!

In two weeks time the final day will come when all will heed to my, Jenna Teacher's will. My students must, I repeat, must follow my every instruction and do as I command! They must first make masks to cover those hideous human faces. Then, they must traverse the horrifying maze of a classroom to compete in a life or death bean bag show down. Whoever has the most points gets to chose the sacrifice! After that we have another competition, only it is more bloody! More gory! Each group must prepare their butt-wiping paper and wrap it around the sacrifice. If it is not adequate mummy wrapping, they lose! GAME OVER. Muahhahaha. Finally, for those who are still living, a worm and dirt filled sunday must be consumed. If not, swift and inglorious death! These are the words and vows of the great Jenna Teacher. Ye be prepared for her will! Muahahahahaha!

And... then we watch Goosebumps and rejoice in Jenna teacher's ominous power to be completely ridiculous. I can hardly wait! Once I have pictures from the party, I'll gladly post them... so that you can see the terrifying display as well. ^^ I should say, the party is not for another two weeks, yet I'm too elated to hold it in! I've been decorating the classroom all week. (And I have to say, it is looking pretty sweet and creepy!) So, until the final, apocalyptic day... happy tricking.... muahahahahaha I love Halloween :D

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